Latest Therapy Sessions
As a brand that ‘gets Brits’, there is one thing Walkers has noticed: British people aren’t great at sharing how they’re feeling. How can Walkers inspire 18-30-year-olds Brits to open up about their feelings in order to improve their mental wellbeings?
Banana Boat
The world is overworked, overwhelmed, and spending too much time inside. Banana Boat wants to stand out in the sunscreen industry by making the outdoor experience more fun for its consumer.
Netflix is present in 190 countries to over 209 million members. Content is offered in over 30 languages, and the brand continues to explore the next language to launch. Despite this broad language offering, UK consumer appetite for non-English language titles has historically been low.
Grey Poupon
Refresh Grey Poupon’s brand identity to make affluent millennials crave its classic French expertise and quality
Everyone could use a little therapy, so does every brand.
Creative briefs are the human problems we are solving. Only humanized brands could build an authentic connection with a human audience. As a brand therapist, I help you cut through the noise and reconnect with your brand's human truth.